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Tomato - Roma- 100% Organic

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Tomato - Roma VF Roma VF Tomato seeds produce a heavy-yielding tomato variety commonly used for preserves, solid-pack canning tomato paste and puree. These tomatoes have very little juice and a mild flavor. Roma VF tomatoes are large, determinate plants that have great leaf cover and disease tolerance. Planning on growing some of your own Roma VF tomatoes? You can start your seeds indoors 6-8 weeks prior to you areas final frost date. You can also sow your tomato seeds directly outdoors in full sun after all danger of frost has passed and soil is warm. Don't forget: these tomatoes will not tolerate frost! GROWING INFORMATION Safe for Bees Grows Best In: Full Sun Days to Germination: 7-10 Days Days to Maturity: 85-90 Days Best Container Size: 24"+

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Ferry Morse
0.10 LBS