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Clover- White Seed- 1 Lb

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White Dutch Clover Seed 1 Lb PRODUCT OVERVIEW: Fairly long-lived perennial in upper South; short-lived perennial or annual in lower South. Very leafy plants 8 to 12 inches tall that spread by stolons (runners) and form shallow roots at nodes. Leaves are non-hairy and usually marked with a white 'V'. White flowers are clustered into heads. Seed are extremely small. Intermediate types of white clover can be expected to reseed naturally while giant or ladino types usually do not reseed well in the lower South. Major use is pasture. Very high quality grazing plant. Bloat can be a problem. Seed are broadcast at 2 to 3 lb/A with tall fescue, orchardgrass, or Kentucky bluegrass in September-October. Under favorable growing conditions, white clover can shade out seedling grasses so it may be necessary to graze the clover to reduce competition. Established grass pastures can be overseeded in October-November or February-March.

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Jonathan Green
2.00 LBS